El término árabe aún se utiliza coloquialmente en Egipto e Irak para distinguir a los beduinos de los desiertos circundantes de los campesinos nativos de los grandes valles fluviales.

RICHARD DAWKINS - Notes from "The Selfish Gene"

  • The most primitive natural selection is the selection of stable structures and the rejection of unstable ones.

  • A gene is a piece of chromosome that can exist in so many generations that it becomes a unit of natural selection. G. C. Williams
  • Female greenflies are able to give birth to live females without fathers. Sometimes a fetus in its mother's womb can carry a smaller fetus in its own womb. Thus, a female green fly can give birth to both her young and her grandchild at the same time. These offspring and grandchildren become like identical twins to the mother.
  • In the hawk vs pigeon example ... A stable hawk gene/pigeon gene ratio in the gene pool technically implies a stable polymorphism.
  • Generational Distance: Steps are counted by going up from individual A to common ancestor and down to individual B. The total number of levels is put as the exponent of 1/2. For example, if the number of levels is 3, the generation distance is 1/8. If the number of common ancestors is 2, the found value is multiplied by 2. 2 x 1/8 = 1/4.
  • In many species, the mother can be more certain of the identity of the offspring than the father. Fathers are open to being tricked. Therefore, it is expected that fathers spend less on raising children than mothers.
  • Although sexual reproduction is observed in some primitive creatures, such as some fungi, there is no masculinity or femininity. In this structure, called isogamy, individuals are not divided into two sexes. Each individual may mate with any other individual; There are no two separate gametes. The germ cell is also called isogamete.
  • The Bruce Effect: When male mice are sniffed by a pregnant female, they release a chemical that causes the female to abort her baby.
  • Resentment has proven to be an evolutionarily stable strategy against suckers and cheats.
  • Much of what Darwin said is wrong in detail.
