El término árabe aún se utiliza coloquialmente en Egipto e Irak para distinguir a los beduinos de los desiertos circundantes de los campesinos nativos de los grandes valles fluviales.

JAMES C. DAVIS - Notes from "The Human Story"

  • When Abraham was ninety-nine (according to the bible) God appeared to him again and made a covenant with him. I will give you the whole land of Canaan, but all the males will be circumcised; this will be the sign of the covenant between us.
  • Jacob is wrestling with the angel, whereupon his name is changed to Israel (who wrestles with God).
  • The Canaanites were perhaps the first people to write with an alphabet.

  • In Sparta, a council of elders allowed only the fittest newborn baby boys to live, and dumped the others into a deep valley. Boys from the age of 12 lived in the military camp, ate terrible food, slept on the reeds.
  • Older children were whipped once a year to see who would outlast.
  • In the early years of marriage, husbands could secretly see their wives at night. In its golden age, the Spartan state was culturally a desert.
  • Anatolia means the land where the sun rises.
  • Indians called Kallatiai ate their parents.
  • One of Genghis Khan's armies had covered the 430 km road in Hungary on horseback in 3 days. Soldiers could sleep while riding on sturdy horses. When they were very hungry, they would cut the carotid artery of their horses, suck some blood and continue on their way.
  • Jesus was born at least in the year 4 BC, not in the year 1 AD as supposed.
  • The rabbi named Saul changed his name to Paul after he became a Christian. Jesus never claimed that he willingly sacrificed his life. This claim is Paul's contribution to Christianity. The person who revealed the religion of Christianity was actually Paul.
  • Before Muhammad's birth, some Arabs had come to believe in one God.
  • Venetian merchants led the crusader army and in 1204 they conquered Constantinople instead of Jerusalem.
  • At the request of Portugal and Spain, the Pope drew an imaginary line dividing the world lengthwise.
  • Agriculture began in the new world soon after it began in the old world.
  • It took approximately 1500 years each time for the world's human population to double (between 10,000 BC and 1600 AD). The population has increased from 5-10 million to 500 million.
  • King of England II. When Charles suffered a stroke in 1685, England's most famous physicians took half a liter of blood from the king for treatment; They put a hot iron on his head and made the king drink a medicine made from skull bones. Finally the king died.
  • In 1730, John Kay developed the loom in England.
  • There was an Indian tradition of widows being burned alive with the corpses of their deceased husbands.
  • The cause of the great Indian uprising of 1857 was the use of cow oil in rifle cartridges.
  • The four essentials under Mao's rule: the bicycle, the radio, the wristwatch, the sewing machine.
  • The eight big ones under Dıng's rule: color TV, refrigerator, stereo, camera, motorcycle, furniture set, washing machine, fan.
  • In India, Indira Gandhi launched a campaign to sterilize men with 2 or more children.
  • In 1979, radical Islamists and reformers jointly overthrew the shah in Iran.
  • In 1973, MicroSoft was one of hundreds of software companies. In 1980 it had 32 employees; In 1990 it reached 14 000 employees.
  • The USA tried to launch a satellite in December 1957, but this satellite took off 1 meter and crashed.
  • Russia tried to send a reconnaissance rocket to Mars in the fall of 1960; Dozens of people died when the rocket exploded.
  • In the USA in 1986, Challenger exploded after takeoff; 7 people died.
  • In the USA in 2003, Columbia exploded on Earth's return; 7 people died.
  • Mendel did a total of 20,000 crosses over 10 years.
  • It was later revealed by statisticians that Mendel cheated by removing data that did not fit his model. However, this did not prevent him from being the father of genetics.
