El término árabe aún se utiliza coloquialmente en Egipto e Irak para distinguir a los beduinos de los desiertos circundantes de los campesinos nativos de los grandes valles fluviales.


Regarding forests and forestry, which are of great importance both economically and ecologically, the history of legal regulations made during the periods of the Republic of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire goes back to 1840.

During the period of the Ottoman Empire, until the declaration of the Reorganization Edict in 1839 (Tanzimat), a large part of the forests was open to use freely under the name of "Cibali Mubaha". In order to meet the needs of the palace, army and navy only, some forests are protected by excluding this practice. One year after the proclamation of the Tanzimat Edict, forest directorates were established under the Ministry of Commerce regarding the management of forests, but these directorates were abolished in 1841.

"Forest School" was established in 1857 under the leadership of two forestry experts brought from France in order to empower those working in the field of forestry and to put technical forestry into practice.

With the Code of Laws for Land (Kanunname), which was enacted in 1858, regulations regarding the ownership of forest areas were made. According to this law, forests were evaluated in three classes as Miri Forests, Cibal-i Mubaha Forests, Villages and Towns Forests.

The 68-Article Regulations regarding Mir-i Forests and the groves and coppice belonging to the town and the state, which were put into effect in 1861, had limited application. It is stated that the regulation can be accepted as a draft for forest regulations (Nizamname) in a way . In the same year, a regulation was made for those who have the authority to cut trees from state forests to comply with the "Terms of Obligation or Concession".

In 1869, the first forestry organization, the Forest Council, was established. This assembly was affiliated to the Ministry of Finance until 1872, the Ministry of Forestry and Mines between September 1872 and October 1872, the Ministry of Finance again between 1873 and 1877, the Ministry of Forestry and Mines in 1878, the Ministry of Trade and Agriculture, between 1879 and 1886, and again the Ministry of Finance between 1887 and 1892, and the Ministry of Forestry and Mines and Agriculture. between the years of 1892 and 1908.

In order to put an end to the indiscriminate use of state forests, the Forest Regulation (a charter) was declared on 13 January 1870. With this regulation, regulations regarding the utilization of forests and related penalties were regulated, and it was stated that the forests, which were considered unclaimed until that day, were declared as the property of the state. The forest regulation, which consists of 52 articles in total, defines forests in four classes: treasury forests directly owned by the state, forests belonging to foundations, coppice forests for towns and villages, and proprietary (private) forests. This regulation remained in force until 1937.

In September 1911, the "Regulation on the Management of Village Coppice" was put into effect in order to regulate the villagers' use of forests.

With the "Law on the Scientific Management Procedures of the Forests" enacted in 1917, it was tried to ensure that the forests were operated with technical and scientific methods. This is the first law that stipulates the management of forests according to a plan. However , this law only covers state forests .

It is stated that there is a Forest Law draft which was submitted to the Parliament in 1918 but could not be enacted .

18 decares of coppice forest was allocated to the forest villagers with the "Coppice Law" enacted on 11.10.1920 and numbered 39. In this way, the use of forests by the villagers was tried to be regulated.

When the Constitutions of the Republic of Turkey are examined in terms of the concepts of forest, environment and natural resources, there is no reference to any of these concepts in the 1921 Constitution, which came in force on 21.01.1921. Considering that it was a stage of establishing a new state after a great war (WW-I), it is understandable that forests are not on the constitutional agenda.

The Law No. 109, "Telegraph and Telephone Taxes Necessary to the Military, and ..." which entered into force on 25.04.1921, regulated the application regarding the purchase of fuel, which is necessary to the official offices and to be distributed to the poor, and the necessary fuel for the military, at the tariff price without an auction.
