El término árabe aún se utiliza coloquialmente en Egipto e Irak para distinguir a los beduinos de los desiertos circundantes de los campesinos nativos de los grandes valles fluviales.


The events began in Istanbul in June 1921; Although it is not clear how long it lasted, it is understood that the process took place in the summer months and in Istanbul. The War of Independence is a little over a year away, and society is divided into several parts: Kemalists, Enverists, supporters of the Sultan, British friends.

The protagonist of the novel, Kamil Bey, is a well-educated, wealthy Ottoman intellectual who has traveled the world. Kamil Bey's wife, Nermin Hanım, came from an environment that could be called the Ottoman aristocracy. Nermin Hanım's brother-in-law is a contractor who sells goods to the occupying armies and is a person with strong connections within the current order. Even though Millici Abi, Kamil Bey, who is in prison, receives the help of his brother-in-law, it is clear that his wife and his wife's family do not approve of Kamil Bey and the Kuvayi Nationalists. There is no justification for the help given to Kamil Bey -and his family- other than the ties of kinship.

The transfer of Kamil Bey to another prison and the fact that he had to live together with the common criminals there, as well as creating a shock, is also an internal reckoning of the Ottoman intellectual, disconnected from his people, in the person of Kamil Bey.

The prison order, which includes everyone from the prisoners to the prison warden, and the purchase of supplies for the soldiers that Arif Bey has experienced in the prison, are shown as examples of the disorder and corruption in public administrations.

The prison is full of power-hungry people who are always on the side of the strong. Chief among them is the prison warden. Since it is not yet clear that the national forces will win the war, the general atmosphere of the prison is pro-sultan. National forces are referred to as "Kuvayi Milliye bandits in Anatolia", Mustafa Kemal as "Mustafa Kemal infidel - yellow snake", and "Young Turks" as "pig, enemy of the sultan". On the other hand, even among such a majority, there are few brave people who can express their opinions contrary to the general rule. These people are more and more organized outside the prison.

Nermin Hanım's statement "The whole world wants peace, but Ankara alone does not approach" reveals the evaluation of the Ottoman aristocracy of the period. According to them, the National Powers are chasing an impossible dream and their end is near. In terms of National Forces, the Ottomans could never stand upright; The reason why the Ottomans found the National Forces strange is that they did not know how to stand upright.

It is noteworthy that there is disinformation made against the national powers by the elements within the society itself. Mustafa Kemal Pasha ran off, Ankara was on fire, the enemy went beyond Ankara, his friends shot Mustafa Kemal and sent his head to the sultan, and with similar false information, the national struggle is made more difficult.

Nermin Hanım's participation in the masquerade ball held in Tarabya is a turning point for Kamil Bey, who feels obliged to tolerate his wife's distance from the national struggle spirit to a certain extent. What Haddaneli Arap Hulusi said to Roza during his meeting with Eleni guides Kamil Bey in terms of his attitude towards his wife. Kamil Bey, in a way, finally recognizes his wife, who is very different from him, and ends his marriage with a letter. 
