El término árabe aún se utiliza coloquialmente en Egipto e Irak para distinguir a los beduinos de los desiertos circundantes de los campesinos nativos de los grandes valles fluviales.


Although the salaries of engineers providing public service in the Republic of Turkey have been increasing nominally over the years, actually civil servant engineers in Turkey are getting poorer day by day. When evaluated in grams of gold, it is clearly seen in the chart below how the engineer salary has been reduced since 1997. Salary in TRY is shown in blue, and salary in gram gold is shown in orange.

It is seen that engineers were able to buy twice as much gold as today, even in the economic crisis environment of 2001. It can be stated that the general decline in this chart is somehow related to the general rise in gold prices; so is the purchasing power has not actually decreased that much?

In this case, in Turkey, where its economy is mainly based on imports, it may be more appropriate to look at salaries in US dollars. However, in this case, the fact that the engineer's salary is decreasing does not change. Salary in dollars is shown in orange below.

While there is a general increase in salaries in US Dollars from the bottom point in 2002 until 2013, it is clearly seen that salaries have decreased from 2013 to 2022. With this trend, it may not even take two years to see the 2002 bottom again.

So, what is the minimum wage in Turkey when the engineer's salary is like this? In the chart below, it is seen that the minimum wage has remained quite low but relatively flat over the years. Engineer salary, on the other hand, continues its steady decline, as if targeting the minimum wage. If this trend continues, it will not take two years for government engineers to work for minimum wage. Engineer salary in US Dollars is shown in red and minimum wage in yellow.
