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Genetic engineering is an occupation that deals with the addition of hereditary material taken from the same or another species or artificially produced to an organism, or the neutralization of some hereditary characteristics of the organism, and which has recently been mentioned frequently both in science and in the world of magazines.
The first important study in this area was carried out on a bacterium in 1973. A similar study was carried out in the mouse, which is a mammal, the following year. Insulin-producing bacteria was commercialized in 1982, and genetically modified foods have been sold in various countries around the world since 1994¹.
One of the applications of genetic engineering is the transfer of genetic material isolated and reproduced from an organism to another organism. This transfer can be done indirectly using the vector (*) or directly using micro-encapsulation and gene gun methods. If the transferred gene is taken from another living species - in general - it is called “transgene”, if it is taken from the same living species it is called “cisgene”. Depending on the state of the transferred gene, the newly formed organism is called “transgenic” or “cisgenic”². The application areas of genetic engineering techniques, whose main areas of use are agriculture, medicine and pharmacy, are becoming more diverse and widespread day by day.
Genetic engineering applications, which are thought to be much faster than traditional breeding studies, are tried to be applied in the field of forestry in various countries and researches are carried out on this subject. These studies bring with them many debates as in GM foods. The life cycle of forest trees lasts for many years, and therefore, genetic engineering applications to be made in forest trees contain much greater unknowns and dangers for ecosystems than one or two-year herbaceous plants.
After the first GM poplars were planted in Belgium in 1988, hundreds of field trials were conducted. In 1993, Japanese car manufacturer Toyota conducted more carbon sequestering GMT (Genetically Modified Tree) trials and was able to increase the carbon sequestration capacity of trees, despite increased water consumption³. China started gene transfer studies for the black poplar (Populus nigra) in 1989, and made trial plantings in 1994. In 1998, black poplar was allowed to be planted in various administrative divisions of China¹⁵. In 2002, the China Forestry Administration approved the commercialization of GM poplar trees, and more than one million insect-resistant GM poplars have been planted in China³. In 2007, forestry researchers from Oregon State University were able to control the height of poplar trees using genes from Arabidopsis sp., a plant of the mustard family¹⁸.
The image below shows the level of studies of countries in the world on GMT as of 2004. The light green color indicates that the GMT studies in those countries are at the field trial level, and the dark green color indicates that the GMT has been commercialized in that country. Countries with laboratory-level studies are shown in orange, and countries where no studies have been made are shown in gray.
The effects of GMTs, which are produced in large areas with increased competitiveness, as an invasive species can also be seen - perhaps even seen - . Considering that the distribution of forests made up of GMTs on the world is very limited today, when the pressure of exotic species on natural species is evaluated, the extent of the possible threat posed by GMTs can be estimated to some extent.
In the USA, it is stated that 42% of the species on the endangered or threatened species list are under the threat of alien species, and this puts a burden of 138 billion dollars on the US economy (in 1999 figures)⁹. Considering that foreign species may bring foreign parasitic species, and foreign parasitic species may bring other foreign predators or parasites, it seems very difficult to predict where the effects of new species entering the ecosystem will be.
In fact, genetic engineering applications in forestry aim at the qualities that today's foresters try to achieve through methods such as silviculture, combating forest pests, and breeding. Tall, smoother and fuller trunked, resistant to herbicides, viruses, bacteria, fungi, pests, growing faster, containing less lignin, more cellulose, more resistant to drought, frost, fire, requiring less nutrients, being more adaptive to different environmental conditions, resistant to chemical pollution, salt, …. This wish list can be extended more.
Whether the starting point is ecological or economic, producing GMTs is like sailing to an unknown ocean, it is very difficult to predict what will come our way in a few years. How does an insectivorous forest affect other insect-eating or agricultural activities in the environment? What impact there might be of the fact that not having a single weed on the ecosystem in a herbicide-resistant afforestation area? As for being able to do weed control easily, what effects can this have on soil and groundwater when the use of herbicides increases? Would it be the beginning of an unavoidable process when GMTs exchange genes with naturally grown forest trees? Or, what effects can a forest that produces no flowers or seeds have for organisms that feed on flowers and seeds?
The reflection of the issue on the international processes at the state level, IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), CBD (United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity) is as follows.
It was stated that at the COP – 9 meeting held in December 2003 by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, afforestation projects with GM trees were recognized¹³.
The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, at the COP-8 meeting in Brazil on March 31, 2006, recommended that all countries approach this issue with caution, as GM trees carry many uncertainties in terms of global biodiversity and human societies¹⁴.
It is stated that GMTs are included in the Kyoto Protocol (IPCC, 2007) as vehicles that generate carbon credits (**) under the Clean Development Mechanism¹².
Although there is no regulation specific to forests and trees in the European Union legislation, the directive 2001/18/EC regulates market presentation and monitoring of GMOs, the 1946/2003 "regulation" regulates the movement of GMOs to third countries and their consequences, the exchange of information to prevent potential-threats¹⁷.
If the subject of GM forests is examined in terms of certification of forests, which is increasingly mentioned in the forest products market and is expected to increase in importance, the following question comes to mind: Should GM forests be certified or not?
Certification includes two key components:
1) Certification of forest management (management),
2) Certification of forest product.
Certification of forest management is based on the assessment of forest management against contemporary sustainability criteria. Product certification, on the other hand, ensures the assurance of the process from the certified source of the product (log, timber, etc.) to the delivery to the customer, in other words, the assurance that the product in question comes from a certified forest. Certification bodies are divided into two in terms of certification of GM forests (forest management); Those who are against the certification of GM forests and those who approach this issue moderately. Philosophical debates about nature and artificial continue on the level of perception of biotechnology between pros and opponents of GM⁶.
Basically, the question in terms of certification, which can be summarized as a marketing effort to support and disseminate sustainable forest management, is "Are GM forests sustainable or not?" This question brings us back to the discussion we had at the beginning.
(*) Vector: A piece of DNA used for gene transfer to an organism.
(**) Carbon credit: A term/unit derived from buying and selling the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or another greenhouse gas equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_engineering (ErişimTarihi: 21.10.2011)
- ÖZYALÇIN, K., (2011) Ormancılıkta “Cisgenic” Uygulaması,Orman ve Av (2011-Sayı 3).
- LANG, C., (2004)Genetically Modified Trees, The Ultimate Threat to Forests, I. Rosgal S. A. – Dec 218/996
- HARRY D. E. and STRAUSS S. H. (2010). Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering in Forest Trees University of California, Agricultural Biotechnology information web site (ErişimTarihi: 21.10.2011)
- SALWASSER, H. (2004) Future forests: environmental and social contexts for forest biotechnologies. S.H. Strauss and H.D. Bradshaw (eds) The Bioengineered Forest: Challenges for Science and Society. Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C., 256 pp.
- COVENTRY, P. (2001) Forest Certification and Genetically Engineered Trees: Will the two ever be compatible?, Oxford Forestry Institute Occasional Papers No. 53
- GRIFFIN, R. (1996) Genetically modified trees – the plantations of the future or an expensive distraction? Commonwealth Forestry Review 75: 169-175.
- SEDEROFF, R.R & STOMP, A.M.(1993) DNA transfer in conifers. In: Ahuja, M.R. & Libby, M.J. (eds.) Clonal Forestry 1. Springer-Verlag Berlin, pp. 241-254. [Aktaran: COVENTRY, P. (2001) Forest Certification and Genetically Engineered Trees: Will the two ever be compatible?, Oxford Forestry Institute Occasional Papers No. 53]
- PIMENTEL, D., LACH, L., ZUNIGA, R., & MORRISON, D. (1999). Environmental and economic costs associated with non-indigenous species in the United States. Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. [Aktaran: COVENTRY, P. (2001) Forest Certification and Genetically Engineered Trees: Will the two ever be compatible?, Oxford Forestry Institute Occasional Papers No. 53]
- WALTER, C., BROER, I., HILLEMANN, D. & PUHLER, A. (1992) High frequency heat treatment-induced inactivation of the phosphinothricin resistance gene in transgenic single cell-suspension cultures of Medicago sativa. Molecular and General Genetics. 235: 189-196. [Aktaran: COVENTRY, P. (2001) Forest Certification and Genetically Engineered Trees: Will the two ever be compatible?, Oxford Forestry Institute Occasional Papers No. 53]
- FENGEL, D. & WEGENER, G. (1984) Wood Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reactions, Berlin – New York : Walter de Gruyter
- BURCHER, S. (2005) No to GM Trees, Synthesis/Regeneration A Magazine of Green Social Thought Sayı:36 (Winter)
- http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/cop9/06a02.pdf (ErişimTarihi: 21.10.2011)
- http://www.cbd.int/doc/decisions/COP-08/cop-08-dec-19-en.pdf
- (ErişimTarihi: 21.10.2011)
- XİAO-HUA, S., BİNG-YU, Z., QİN-JUN, H., LİE-JİAN, H., & XİANG-HUA, Z.,(2003) Advances in Tree Genetic Engineering in China, XIII. World Forestry Congress
- CHAREST P. J., Genetic Engineering of Tree Species: The Canadian Experience, Petawawa National Forestry Institute, http://www.isb.vt.edu/brarg/brasym95/charest95.htm (ErişimTarihi: 21.10.2011)
- http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/environment/nature_and_biodiversity/index_en.htm (ErişimTarihi: 21.10.2011)
- Oregon State University (2007, June 18). Six Inch Tall Tree: Genetic Modification Used To Control Height Of Trees. ScienceDaily.
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