El término árabe aún se utiliza coloquialmente en Egipto e Irak para distinguir a los beduinos de los desiertos circundantes de los campesinos nativos de los grandes valles fluviales.


General Directorate of Forestry of Turkey, which is a subsidiary organization to the MoAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry), has been conducting business activities mainly based on wood production. The General Directorate of Forestry GDF has been a “a public legal entity” as a connected unit GDF- with added budget of $US 214,946,000 and with revolving budget of $US 366,542,000 (in figures 2003). Regional Forest Directorates are the most authorized provincial units that represent the General Directorate of Forestry (GDF). 

But basic task of the General Directorate of Forestry is to protect, develop and manage Turkey’s forests. To fulfill this task it has been organized at both central and provincial levels. GDF has 27 Regional Directorates, 217 Forest District Directorates, and 1,322 Forest Sub-district units (2003). Each and every one of these sub-district units, so called as chieftaincies, is supposed to be managed by one forest engineer, a forest chief.

A forest chief is responsible for one or more units of forest chieftaincies which may cover about 10.000 - 45.000 or more hectares, in terms of any kind of forestry related issues first of which is implementing the regular forest management plans and preparing management plan amendment reports and producing and selling logs and other forest products, managing the payment procedure of the workers for production, forestation, protecting forest against illegal usage, taking responsibility in cadastral issues, preparing rehabilitation projects for forests and implementing them, preparation tender documents for  road constructions, buildings, etc. and supervising the construction process, helping forest villagers with their forest related legal issues, leading the emergency teams in the case of a forest fire etc.
